We use model systems to examine circuits underlying core processes in the brain that produce representations of the mind. We examine patterns of neuronal connections that underlie activity, and unpick how those neural activity patterns in turn give rise to behavioral and internal states. Using such approaches, we can start to answer questions about how we learn, feel emotion, and even how we weigh decisions.
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Systems Neuroscience
neural circuits · attention · brain disorders · executive function · sensory processing · behavior · timing · plasticity · learning · memory · emotion · habits
Featured Researcher
James DiCarlo
Jim DiCarlo and his team aim to understand how a complex network of brain regions underlies our ability to recognize vast numbers of objects and faces rapidly.
100 trillion
The number of estimated connections between neurons in the human brain.
SOURCE: Scientific American3
Number of neural circuits that control pharynx pumping during feeding in C. elegans.
SOURCE: Horvitz et al.